Mr. P. Rajan, Co-ordinator Life Help Centre for the Handicapped, Chennai on the instruction of Mr. Blaze Kannan, Managing Director & Hon’ Secretary of Life Help Centre visited LHCCC, Kashmir on June 25th 2018 to monitor the activities and to meet Mr. Iqbal Lone, Commissioner of Disabilities, J&K State to work out the procedure for the recognition for the project.
Assured him that LHCCC would continue to run the project with the support of Govt., Parents and with other stake holders. Applied for renewal of our recognition for our project with all the documents enclosed and the Commissioner assured to issue the licence soon. Handed over a letter requesting SBI under CSR to arrange for two mini buses to transport our children to attend the School. Handed over a letter to the Commissioner requesting him to arrange for CCTV Camara and RO water purifier for our children to have a safe and hygienic drinking water. Commissioner visited our Centre and provided a valuable suggestion for the improvement and effective functioning of our centre and also guided to increase our source of local funding. He interacted with our staff, parents and our children and speechless after seeing our centre.
He also organised a meeting with the parents around 25 Parents participated in the meeting and responded to the questions raised by them. He had a separate meeting with staff and debrief on the entire exercise during his visit to the project.
At the end of his visit it was clear that even today compared to other Centres our Centre is preferred by a majority of the parents due to the love and care provided by our team and we should retain the name. During his discussion with the Commissioner he told him that there was no Exist plan and the organisation would continue to run the centre with the support of the parents and also from Govt. aid which he agreed. It was decided to form a Core team with the involvement of parents to do a review on a monthly basis will definitely yield a good result and problems will be minimised. The entire visit was well planned and organised by Ms. Aaliya, Project Co-ordinator, LHCCC, Kashmir.

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